
Visiting With Folks

Pasture w/ Tree, Eidson, TN 2007 ©jwl

I spent a good deal of time socializing in the past couple of days. While in Knoxville I visited with old friends, Playing the obligatory catch-up, telling stories and sharing time. I miss having the everyday access with some of my friends. It seems as time goes by more of my deep personal relationships are becoming long distance. Maybe in the work of seeing each other, a deeper appreciation grows.

I also spent an afternoon with the Lawson clan at the annual Christmas potluck. I haven't made it to one of these dinners in almost 10 years. I have become a bit estranged from that side of my family, but it isn't something I can't overcome. I plan to make a tradition of seeing them at least one a year in spite of the distance.

I also visited the grave site of my father. His grave is located in the Lawson family ground on a ridge overlooking a cattle pasture (if you look carefully at the photo you can see the fence to the right). Every time I am nearby I make the climb. It is very peaceful there, a nice place for a good nap.

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