
Last Stop For....

 Blue Mountain View, McMinnville, TN 2015 © jwl

Serving as a destination spot & a hopeful coffee stop, Eli and I breezed through the birthplace of Dottie West last Saturday. McMinnville, Tennessee is where we stuck our pin in the map as we started driving and it was the last stop for photographs while we were in search of a cup of coffee for Mr. Johnson. I was looking for a cheeseburger, but we found neither.

Avon, McMinnville, TN 2015 © jwl

We did, however, find a few views of the small town American Vernacular that will suffice. I had a digital unit with me for the walk-around and I am glad I had it with me. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to share these photos until I got some film back.

There was a bit of fame charge in the air as I was making this image. The Mayor of McMinnville made his way ove to make sure we were enjoying the visual delights of his town. I was probably not as friendly as I could have been , but I was in a bit of a awe shock. He is the MAYOR after all.

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